Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween and dead people day. I hope that you guys don´t get a bunch of canker soars and cavities from all of the candy. I’m not really sure if the Chona is going to have a party because I´ve never been in Mexico in oct 31 and this will be my last time so I’ll have to pay good attention. 

So this week was a little bit rough but it valed the pena (españgles). It was worth all of the pain. So this Sunday was really cool I felt like Elsa in Frozen when she sings “for the first time in forever” because we finally had investigators in the chapel. I probably looked ridiculous when they came in because my face was like when the little kids know something that you don´t know and they have that grin. It was really cool. 

The family that came is actually really interesting because they are like Lamanitas but the Nefitas that joined up not to be killed in the end so not really Lamenaites but close. They live right in front of a member and they came here from Guerrero Mexico to work in the fields. What´s really interesting and cool but frustrating and sometimes hard is that their first language is Mixteco which is a dialect of Mexican which is a dialect of Spanish as my Colombian companero would say. SO it´s cool but teaching is a little bit harder. When we say “will you read the Book of Mormon and pray about it” they can´t read. The truth is that they can talk but they don´t really understand concepts because they are not very educated. But they came to church so that´s good enough for me.

Actually, now that I think about it Ascension is a lot like the movie McFarland. They work in the field and I saw a quince años once so that was similar. They don´t run here but they have a high school with a soccer team I think. But it´s cool. 

Well I´ll let you guy enjoy all of your candy. Send me pictures of your costumes.  

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